Simplify Your Planning, Amplify Your Impact

StratSimple is an AI-powered software solution for teams to build consensus on what matters most. Keep your team focused on key priorities, flexible to change as needed, with transparency and accountability to deliver results.

Screenshot of StratSimple showing KPIs and OKRs.

Why StratSimple?

Because Strategic Planning doesn't have to be expensive, lengthy and difficult.

Alignment Woes

  • Herding cats should not describe your planning process
  • Get high-quality input inclusively from diverse voices affordably and effectively. Yes, even Bob in accounting.

Painful Planning

  • Traditional approaches are expensive - it's not uncommon to see $20k for a facilitated plan.
  • Develop Strategic Objectives: Craft clear, ambitious objectives based to guide your organization's direction.
  • AI-Guided OKR Coaching: Benefit from AI-powered coaching to refine your OKRs, enhancing alignment and execution across teams.

Tracking Troubles

  • Beyond Spreadsheets: Shift from static spreadsheets to dynamic, real-time reporting that offers actionable insights.
  • Enhance Collaboration: Foster teamwork and decision-making with increased transparency.
  • Real-Time Updates and Alerts: Stay informed with instant updates and alerts, ensuring key stakeholders are always aware of progress and performance.

What Our Customers Are Saying

At StratSimple, we understand that continuous improvement is key to success. That's why we actively seek feedback at the end of every strategic planning session. Hearing how we've helped our customers refines our approach. It also reinforces our commitment to excellence. Below, you’ll find real comments from our post-planning surveys. They showcase the impact we've made in organizations like yours.

"The process worked so well and was collaborative and inclusive."
Strategic Planning Participant
"This is an effective tool for distilling the big picture into an actionable plan. I found it to be a terrific experience all around."
Strategic Planning Participant
"I learned strategic planning does not have to be a difficult process."
Strategic Planning Participant
"I appreciated how efficient the process was to hone in on specific goals and objectives. Very impressed overall."
Strategic Planning Participant

Key Benefits

Smart & Simple

Navigate strategic planning with confidence using our guided playbooks and best-practice templates. Even if it's your first time, our intuitive tools ensure you can achieve remarkable results quickly and effortlessly

Inclusive Feedback Process

Change how you gather feedback. Use our AI-coached surveys with team members, clients, board members and others. They are made to optimize input from all stakeholders. This approach enriches your strategic planning. It ensures that every voice is heard. This makes your plans more complete and aligned with your organization's true needs.

Accelerated Planning Cycle

Speed up your planning process with AI coaching in survey interviews and real-time analytics. Our system lets you quickly find key strategic goals. It helps you keep your plans current and focused. It ensures you’re always ready to adapt to changes.

Results-Driven Strategic Plan

Focus your team on clear, achievable plans using our integrated Objectives and Key Results (OKR) tracking. This system keeps your key goals visible and actionable. It empowers your team to focus on what truly matters.

Interested to learn more?

Schedule a demo and let's find out how StratSimple can you help acheive your goals.
"Strategy without execution is useless—
Execution without strategy is aimless."
-Morris Chang